Best wifi amplifiers
Best wifi amplifiers

best wifi amplifiers

But that means every penny you spend on it goes straight to making a great-sounding amplifier.

best wifi amplifiers

In fact, it's one of the most stripped-back amplifiers we've ever tested.

best wifi amplifiers

The Musical Fidelity M2si doesn't have the features list of most rivals – there are no digital connections, no phono stage and no wireless connectivity. In fact, we can't think of a more talented alternative when it comes to punch, dynamics and rhythmic drive. It certainly shows when it comes to sound quality. So we support Naim's decision to keep it strictly analogue. And they never sound as good as a dedicated outboard unit like a Chord Mojo. Some may baulk at the lack of digital inputs, but these can harshen the analogue performance. But such was the quality of its predecessor that that's enough to keep the Supernait at the cutting edge at this level. It makes the Supernait a little more useful and a little bit better. Changes over the previous version are limited to the addition of a (good quality) moving magnet phono stage and a tweak in the power amplifier section. A slight improvement on its predecessor would be enough to make it one of the best around in its category.Īnd that's exactly what we have here. This third-gen model doesn't break any moulds, but then it doesn't have to. This is another integrated amp with some serious pedigree. Sure, there are operational quirks – something that’s proving to be a Chord trait – but when the Anni sounds this good we can forgive a lot. Use it as a desktop amplifier as intended and it shines. It sounds clean, clear and articulate yet captures the manic energy of Nick Cave & The Bad Seed's Babe, I’m On Fire superbly. This is one of the most capable headphone amplifiers we’ve heard. The important thing to note is that it’s designed for desktop use with either headphones or suitable speakers. However, this little box is only the size of the Chord Qutest digital-to-analogue converter – for the uninitiated, think smaller than a pair of coasters laid end-on – and it’s intended to be an ideal partner for that DAC and the company’s Huei phono stage. Make no mistake, this really is a proper Chord amplifier in miniature, using as it does the Ultima dual feed-forward circuitry seen in the latest generation of the brand’s high-end power amplification. But if it ain't broke.Ĭhord Electronics has proven to have quite some talent in finding new market niches. And the diminutive Anni desktop integrated amplifier is a perfect example of that. It might not be enough of a difference to justify upgrading from its predecessor, but it still makes for an awesome amp nonetheless. The sound is much crisper and more agile than its forebears, thanks in no small part to this exacting eye for detail (it even goes as far as the shape of the connecting wiring and the exact number and placement of tie clips holding it in place). Open it up and you'll see what we mean - there's immaculately assembled audio circuitry, with fantastic care shown in reducing the degrading effect of outside interference and unwanted interactions between components.Īnd it shows. If that sounds negative, it shouldn't – the XS 3 is a killer stereo amp, earning a well-deserved five stars, and picking up a 2019 What Hi-Fi? Award for its trouble. The XS 3 adds a moving magnet phono stage and better responsiveness, and that's about it. This is the third-generation instalment of a model first introduced in 2008.

Best wifi amplifiers