Healing the divine feminine
Healing the divine feminine

healing the divine feminine

Women are degraded by having their bodies exploited to sell every kind of commodity.Instinctive knowledge of the holy unity of things, reverence for the interconnection of all aspects of life, trust in the power of the imagination and the faculty of the intuition - all this as a way of relating to life through participation rather than through dominance and control, has almost been lost. The effects on the world of the loss of the Divine Feminine, the loss of Soul, are incalculable. Will we choose to imitate the patterns of the past, or can we embrace the truly immense transformation of consciousness we will need to make if we wish to forge a different future for coming generations? The Desecration of the Anima Mundi or World Soul

healing the divine feminine healing the divine feminine

Centuries of conflict between nations, religions and ethnic groups have brought us to the present time when we must find a way of transcending this archaic pattern of behavior or risk destroying ourselves as a species. As part of awakening to the presence of the Divine Feminine, it is surely time for women of every nation, religion and ethnic group to say: "Enough is enough! There must be an end to this slaughter, rape and interminable suffering." The voice of the long-silenced Feminine is needed to heal the Wasteland-the current state of the planet and the lives of the billions of men, women and above all, children that are blighted or destroyed by human cruelty, greed and ignorance. We can only imagine her grief and despair through the centuries of slaughter, when she lost her husband and sons in endless wars, her daughters to rape and slavery when no-one listened to her impotent grief and rage that the life she had given birth to and loved and cherished should be so casually destroyed by men armed with the weapons of war. Throughout this era, woman's voice has been silenced. How can we begin to recognize once again the sacredness of Earth, the sacredness of the Cosmos and the role we might play in a great cosmic drama if we were once again able to align ourselves in a harmonious relationship with them?

healing the divine feminine

It is this: in a civilization which has been structured by religions which split nature from spirit and by a male image of God presiding over religions and institutions created entirely by men and by a polarizing mythology which glorifies power, conquest and the mastery of nature, how can the long-silenced voice of the Divine Feminine – the voice of the Soul of the Cosmos – be heard? How can a different concept of deity develop - one which embraces the Feminine dimension of the Divine and the realm of nature and would never condone, let alone encourage and promote blood sacrifice? During the millennia of the patriarchal era, a tremendous problem has been constellated. Once upon a time, the feeling for the sacredness of life and relationship with the Cosmos was a deep instinct, shared by the whole of humanity. "As part of awakening to the presence of the Divine Feminine, it is surely time for women of every nation, religion and ethnic group to say: Enough is enough! There must be an end to this slaughter, rape and interminable suffering."

Healing the divine feminine